Do I need to calibrate the jaws after changing them?

Learn how to calibrate your jaws and why it's an important step when configuring your manipulator.

Whenever you swap out jaws or end-effectors on your manipulator, you must make sure that you select the correct jaw type and calibrate them using Reach Control before attempting to use them. Different types of jaws have different extension limits, and this ensures the physical limits of the jaws are reflected both in the arm configuration and in the software, preventing damage from being over-extended.

Jaw Selection

The jaw type of the manipulator can be changed using the Jaw Selection. Go to Settings > Device > RIGHT ARM and expand the device panel using the ellipsis [...].

For each family of manipulators, the jaw selection will be slightly different. Read on to see how to change and calibrate the jaws for each family.

When the jaw type is selected, it will appear on the 3D model in Reach Control. The model can be compared to the physical jaws mounted on the manipulator to ensure the correct option has been selected.


When the jaws calibrate, they will open and close automatically, and represent a crush/cut hazard. Ensure that nothing is between the jaws and that all personnel stay clear while the manipulator runs the autocalibration sequence.


For an Alpha, select the radio button next to the desired jaw type. The jaws will update in the visualisation.

Click Set Limits to run the autocalibration. Ensure you select the correct jaw type before starting the calibration. The jaws will open and close automatically, so ensure all items and personnel are clear.

The feedback will display Complete once the autocalibration runs successfully.


For a Bravo, select the jaw type from the dropdown menu. The jaws will be updated in the visualisation.

Click Zero Jaws to run the autocalibration. Ensure you select the correct jaw type before starting the calibration. The jaws will open and close automatically, so ensure all items and personnel are clear.

If the joint limits for the jaw have been changed from the default, feedback text will indicate that the jaws are using custom jaw limits. Select Reset to change the limits back to default.