What is Mounting Configuration, and how do I set it up?

The mounting configuration of a manipulator in Reach Control can be edited to reflect the physical setup. This makes it easier to configure obstacles in the workspace, and see how the manipulator moves when controlled.

To edit the mounting configuration for a connected arm, go to Settings > Device > RIGHT ARM (or whatever your manipulator is named).

Use the ellipsis [...] to expand the Device panel, and scroll down to Mounting Configuration. Toggle on the Edit switch.


An axis widget will appear at the base of the model. Click and drag the arrows to translate the model along each axis. Click and drag the spheres to rotate the model about each axis. Any obstacles present will also move with the model. 


Precise X/Y/Z and Roll/Pitch/Yaw values can also be entered into the relevant text boxes. For example, this model has been inverted about the X axis, and moved up along the Z axis.