Presets allow you to have up to 4 frequently used positions to start or return the manipulator to. These are useful when you regularly move the manipulator in the same way to complete repetitive tasks.
Each manipulator is delivered with position presets 0 and 1 set to a Stow position and Deploy position respectively. These can be edited if required.
Using a preset
You can use presets in a number of different ways depending on how you are controlling your manipulator.
Reach Control
Click and hold a preset button in the bottom panel to send the manipulator to that stored preset position. The name of the preset will appear as the mouse hovers over each button. Letting go of the button will stop the movement.
Master Arm
Use the two buttons on the top of the Master Arm handle to access position presets 0 and 1. Hold the button down to move the manipulator to that position. Letting go of the button will stop the movement.
Position presets can be bound to buttons or keys on other external controllers. In Reach Control, go to Settings > Control and choose the appropriate control device. Expand the panel with the ellipsis [...] then scroll down to the Mapping Editor. Select pos preset as the Demand, select the appropriate manipulator to be controlled, then select the preset you want to bind. Click the first blank button to select it (orange), then press the button or key on the controller that you want to use.
See the Gamepad Mapping Manual or SpaceMouse Mapping Manual for information on how to set up other controllers.
Capturing a preset
Move the manipulator into the position to be stored. Select a preset slot from the Name dropdown menu to store the position to. Select Capture .
Renaming a preset
Select the Rename button. Enter the new name in the text box that appears. Click Set to save the name or Cancel to exit.